I-9 Compliance: The New Rules & Best Practices of Employee Verification
"We can audit any company, anywhere, of any size." – ICE Special Agent Brad Bench
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What's new on the I-9 form? Are you next in line for an audit? And what big changes are coming from the Trump Administration? On Wednesday, February 28, learn how to get in compliance with the advice from a true insider – a former ICE assistant chief counsel.
Specifically, you will learn:
I-9 101. Discover 10 essential steps to correctly fill out the revised version of the I-9
Documents. Which documents you can review for Lists A, B and C – and what has changed
Copying. Whether you should make copies of driver's licenses and other supporting documents
Review. How far you are required to go to determine if a document is "genuine"
Retention. Where you must store I-9s and how long you must retain them
Disposal. The proper way to discard I-9s
Reverification. How to handle reverification in the most legally safe and efficient way possible
Internal audits. What can be corrected and who should be auditing
Best practices. What else you should be doing
Electronic I-9 systems. What to consider when going paperless
The penalties are severe for I-9 violations, and the government is no longer negotiating fines of pennies on the dollar. I-9 fine levels were raised by 96% last year. And fines for "substantive" violations can reach $16,000 for each occurrence.
ICE is also focused on building criminal cases out of I-9 audits. Don't run the risk of your boss (or you!) being led off in handcuffs. Develop solid, audit-proof I-9 practices by joining us February 28 for this important interactive event.
Contact First Class Consulting Firm to register for our workshop.