You may be exempt, but your company is not exempt from FLSA requirements.
Classifying employees incorrectly as "exempt" instead of "non-exempt" can create significant potential liability. People may claim they should have been considered non-exempt, eligible for overtime, and sue for the difference.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) provides detailed guidelines that must be followed for the proper classification of employees. The Department of Labor (DOL) continues its aggressive crackdown on employers for improper classification of workers as exempt when the employee is actually non-exempt under FLSA.
What are the DOL "red flags" you need to avoid when classifying a worker?
Are hourly workers automatically classified as non-exempt?
How do an employee's level of responsibility and duties affect classification?
What is the outside sales exemption?
What is the status of DOL's Final Overtime Rule following the injunction?
What are the three tests you must apply to properly classify employees?
Discover answers to these and many more questions at our upcoming webinar:
Avoiding Potential Liability for Misclassification of Workers as Exempt or Nonexempt: What the FLSA Requires