Top PEO & Certified M.B.E
We Are The Difference Between Facts and Fictitious Promises!

Servicing All Industries
We are a Professional Employer Organization, providing a service that will increase company morale, improving efficiency, all while minimizing risk and exposure.
With First Class Consulting Firm we strive to create a work-life balance.
Studies show, on average we save our clients an extra 20 hours weeks, 960 hours a year. Helping them regain what matters the most "Time".
Our quality of service supersedes industry standards. We provide a solution that will allow our clients to avoid fines and penalties, by staying in compliance and staying on top of the ever changing laws.
4 Areas Our Clients Save Thousands of Dollars In:

Workers Compensation Health Insurance Talent Acquisition Human Resources

Connect With Us

28475 Greenfield Rd Southfield, MI 48076
Farmington Hills, MI
Detroit. MI
Orlando, FL
Scottsdale, AZ